Thursday, February 15, 2007

Health & Well Being

On Tuesday I had to walk home from the chiropractor. I just knew I was going to wind up sick. I had already been fighting the congestion. It was about -24 degrees with the windchill and I had my laptop on my back. I was pretty drained. Wednesday I woke up and was definitely fatigued. By the end of the day I was exhausted. I got home from work and had a headache so I ordered dinner from Swiss Chalet. By the time it got here (which was an hour later) I didn't care about eating... I just wanted to sleep. I had dinner and then curled up on the futon. I don't normally fall asleep watching TV but I was out cold. I woke up because my neck was kinked and Azrael was asleep on my knees. I wasn't up for very long before I actually crawled into bed. I woke up this morning and even though the heat was on full it was 19 degrees in the apartment. My head was pounding from the congestion. My head feels like it is going to explode. I still dragged my ass out of bed and went to work. Felt pretty miserable all day. Came home and didn't even have the energy to eat. Even now it's all I can do to stay warm and stay awake. Make it stop....

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