Monday, February 19, 2007


Ever since I read Suzanne's post on Bumpersticker Theology I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. I can't even remember the last time I was in a church... I think I still lived in London. I live in a very conservative city, at least as far as churches go. The only thing I can think of is the gay pride parade and members of the church holding signs about going to hell. What happened to love? What happened to acceptance? If you look deep into the hearts of men everyone has secrets and things that they are ashamed of. As the musical "Rent" says "Let he who is without sin be the first to condemn." Who are we to judge? We are all sinners.

I used to show up to church in jeans and a t-shirt and it wasn't because I didn't have dress clothes. It was to make a point. God doesn't look at the clothes we wear but at our hearts. Who did Jesus hang out with? It wasn't with the Pharisees but rather with the outcasts.

Have we gotten so complacent that we only seek to fellowship with other people that believe the same thing we do? Are we so comfortable that we forget the command to go out into the world? It is our job to reach out to others, to be an ambassador for Christ... to be that light in the world.

As Suzanne said, "Can you look around the school that you go to; can you walk the neighborhood you live in; can you watch TV; can you listen to the radio and hear the needs? Can you hear and see the broken people? Their need may not be food as it was in this story, but they may need hope. You know you have a friend that needs God. You know people that could be nameless, but you’ve seen or heard their need. And Jesus is speaking so clearly “You go feed them!”

The church is solid... unchanging. Maybe it is time to shake things up. Maybe it is time to embrace the postmodern world. It's a changing world and the church needs to adapt to the changes. Meet them where they're at. It's not about religion, it's about a relationship. Get liquified.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:43 a.m.

    Genial brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
