Friday, February 16, 2007


Today was a day of meetings.... I took calls from 9 to 10:45. Well I took a whole two calls. Oops... Then I had to go to a meeting. We had a conference call where the performance coaches listened to a call and then scored it. These calls are used for calibration to make sure that we are scoring things the same way. From there it was off to another meeting. All the performance coaches have a bi-weekly meeting. By the time the meetings were over I was feeling pretty light headed since I hadn't eaten anything and am hypolglycemic. I was also fighting a headache. I took 30 minutes for lunch (yes I actually took my time today *lol*) but didn't eat anything. By that point I didn't want to eat... I just wanted the pain to stop. By now it's 3:00 and I haven't done anything to meet the mandate. But then I knew I had a roundtable at 4:30 so there was basically no point since I had to prepare for that. So yeah it was sort of productive... but sort of not. It was kind of frustrating... especially at the end of the day when my fate was sealed and I knew we weren't going to meet the mandate this week. That's a hard thing for me... I don't accept defeat... ever. Failure is not a word in my vocabulary. But this time... It sucks. It really bothers me that we won't meet the mandate. But that's life. And that was my day.

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