Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pinch Me I Must Be Dreaming

First of all I want to apologize to Suzanne for not calling to tell her about this. I wanted to but never had the chance to. I got home really late.

As you might recall I am adopted and have been looking for information. I got a call back in December from the Adoption disclosure registry which began this leg of the journey but had to wait until January before I actually talked to Linda. That call really shook things up. After almost 10 years with nothing but a hope it seemed like the end just might in sight but I didn't want to get my hopes up. It was still the unknown....

This morning I got another call from Linda. The message said that she had information for me. So I immediately was starting to get my hopes up. But I had to go to work. She called me back as I was almost at work. So what did she want to tell me? Was it a name? Nope. Was it my medical information? Nope. So what was it? Linda called to tell me that my birth mother wanted to meet me. Not only that but apparently she does think about me a lot, especially on my birthday. The only other information that Linda gave me is that she is about my height and has blondish-brown hair. Since my father is Dutch how did my hair end up being so dark?

I am still in shock I think. It definitely hasn't sunk in yet. Linda will be sending me my medical information and will be sending a consent form. The consent form is for disclosing information. It's insane. Talk about a wild ride.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for calling last night! Remember there are the 'dark' dutch! You also have Irish roots right? I happy this is going forward - we'll talk again.
