Saturday, February 24, 2007

What a Week

Another week draws to and end. Granted I am back to work tomorrow and still have a few days to go before I have a couple of days off. Three more days to be exact. Somehow miraculously we met our mandate this week. Between John and I we listened to all the calls we were supposed to. I honestly thought that there was no chance it was going to happen. But we got it done.

There is a problem with meeting the mandate though. John came in for three extra hours to get it done and I was there for an extra hour and a half. Not to mention the fact neither of us really took our scheduled breaks.

They seem to think that we can get this done in the scheduled time... and pretty soon we will have even more people on the team. Every day when I get home I think to myself, "I can't keep doing this." The problem is that on paper everything looks good because we just step up and get it done... whatever it takes.

I keep thinking that I should just start taking my breaks... leaving the building.... not putting in extra time... and then see what happens. Unfortunately, my own work ethic gets in the way. I just get the job done... quietly... People don't even realize how much work I really put in because I just get it done. I guess you could say I am one of the backbone type workers. Dependable... reliable... but not always noticed.

I just wish they would actually make things fair. Our team has the highest mandate... Which means that we have the most work. The next closest team has 14 less evaluations... that is huge! Another team has 30 less... Yet we are expected to meet our mandate... and they are under no obligation to help out. How is that fair? Some people really are on easy street.... and they just expect us to meet the mandate, whatever it takes.

1 comment:

  1. Please, read my latest e-book "An Ordinary Black Cat" in All types of comments are welcome. You might be lucky...
