Saturday, March 17, 2007

Laundry Time

I'm sure some of you would wonder why I am even posting about laundry... No I didn't decide to wash my PDA again... or my cell phone... or anything other then the clothes. It's St. Patrick's Day and since I live in a ghetto building figured everyone would be too busy drinking, or getting stoned to do laundry. Apparently that was too much to hope for. It has taken me all day to do one load of laundry... that's how busy it is. Granted my day started at noon... but any ways. I can still say the building is ghetto though. A couple of the dryers don't work and one of the washing machines flooded (or maybe it was the drain that backed up) so the floor there is covered in water. I hate doing laundry here. I keep wondering if the equipment will break down... or if my clothes will be stolen while I am not there. The good news is that my lease is almost up... and while I am not planning to move at the moment (I really don't want to be stuck in a lease, even if it is just temporarily) it is nice to know that I do have that option. Now by next fall I might seriously be considering it since they still have not fixed the heat. Can I just say the building has charm or perhaps character? Hmm... maybe not... It's still the ghetto.

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