Saturday, March 03, 2007

One of Those Days

Today was just one of those days... you know those days when you just should not get out of bed. It took all my energy just to get out of bed this morning.... Anything else was asking a bit much. I had no time to make lunch because I was barely hanging on and was running late as it was. I get to work and I know I have a meeting as soon as my shift starts. But I forgot to grab a cold can of Coke before I left the house and have none at work. I borrow money off John and head off for the vending machine. I press the button and it doesn't appear to be sold out. So I put the money in and press the button. Then I realize that it does say it's sold out. Without thinking (some days I wonder about my IQ... since there are definitely times when I am not the sharpest tool in the shed) I pressed the button below it thinking it also had Coke. Too bad I didn't look at it first. Maybe it was a root beer... or orange... or something I would actually drink. Nope... It was a Diet Coke. 'Cuz I really need to diet *lol* Then I had to get money from someone else to actually get the Coke. That's when I knew it was going to be one of those days....

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