Saturday, March 17, 2007

Run Over by a Mac Truck

That's about how I feel at the moment. Ever since I went to the hospital I have felt like I had the flu. Maybe I did pick something up while at the hospital. More likely though it is just a combination of factors. The weather has been really unpredictable over the last week. One day it's nice and warm and the next it's back to being cold and snowing. So my heat is still an issue. I've also been under a lot more stress at work as of late. Well the altercation I had with the Operations Manager is still affecting me. With the Fibromyalgia when I overdo it then I also have this same lack of energy and feel really run down. No desire to eat... I just want to sleep. The fact I've lost 8 pounds in 3 days just makes it that much worse.

In a nutshell I haven't really been taking care of myself. I have been trying to do too much and not taking even a day off work to rest and get better. I keep pushing myself too hard and now feel like I got run over by a Mac Truck. Wonder if I will end up calling in sick... Time will tell.

But seeing as I am off today... Azrael has been doing a fantastic job of making sure I rest. He has spent all day keeping me company while I watch the NCAA basketball games. Azrael keeps curling up on my lap and just lapping up all the attention. When I lay down on the futon he curled up beside me. I ended up having a nap and he curled up on my knees. He seems to be my protector.... looking out for my best interest and reminding me to take a break once in a while.

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