Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today was not one of those good days.... I am still not 100% and this cold is just dragging on. I hauled my ass out of bed and made my way to work. The first thing I did was apply for a leadership training course at work. What I had just discovered is that I also needed a reference check and Christie was nowhere to be found. She had called in sick today after having dental surgery. I emailed the recruiter since I didn't know she was off. For some reason we seemed to be lacking in managers. So I went and asked Kevin about it. He said he would get back to me. About an hour later the Ops manager comes down and hovers by Christie's desk. Mike was hassling me about waiting for the last minute to apply for the position. Now I haven't even seen Christie in a week and have been sick... so give me a break. He went off on a huge tangent about it... It was pretty demoralizing and was done on the floor in front of everyone. Then he went and praised Dave for getting the reference check in already... meanwhile he hadn't even finished writing his essay yet and didn't know that his manager had submitted it. WTF? Some days I hate my job... and hate this company. Today is one of those days. If I had a better job... or even another job with the same pay.... I would leave. That was my conclusion.

And then... just when you thought it can't get much worse... I got off work and my phone was ringing. Since I hadn't left the building I let it go to voicemail. It was dad... and dad doesn't generally call just to talk. His message was to call back if I got home early enough. So I called... and got told that he had asked my mom for a divorce. Now that in and of itself would not have been a big deal. Currently dad is in BC with his family and mom is here in Ontario with her mom. I knew that grandma (on my dad's side) had really been pushing for this. But he didn't even have the balls to call mom. According to Suzanne he said she wouldn't listen. Instead... he sent her a letter. He wanted us to find out from him. That really angered me though... To send a letter. That's almost as good as just sending an email. Throughout the call he basically blamed mom for not making an effort and not going back to BC. Now she has made an effort to be there for her mom... and for her grand-daughter. And she tried to get dad to come here to at least visit and he refused. Suzanne was already planning to come up to Peterborough but is holding off until the end of the week so that mom will hopefully have received the letter before then. Yes... at it stands right now the kids know... but mom is still in the dark. How cruel is that? Just a perfect ending to the day.

I don't think I really have much more to say at this point then just *sigh*

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