Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Today is (or was since it is practically over and will be over by the time this is posted) St. Patrick's Day. I'm not sure anyone celebrates it because of the saint or any religious ties... but rather as an excuse to get drunk and drink green beer. My point is actually not about the holiday but rather about lasting memories and how events can shape your life.

I am not sure how many people... if any... even know this story. There is a reason I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day... or even want to be reminded of it. 15 years ago (hard to believe it was actually that long ago) I was young and naive... that thought really didn't last long. So what happened back in 1992 when I was 13? I had gone out to meet the guy I was dating. It seemed like a good idea at the time. After all I was still innocent... we went to church together. I never imagined that my day would involve being raped at his hands. My introduction to sex included violence... an association that exists to this day.

I will spare you the details... not that I will ever forget. The mind is a steel trap and some things stay with you for a lifetime. I wish I could forget. A time of innocence lost. And every year on this day I face those memories again. It may not haunt me as much after this long but I certainly don't cheer for St. Patrick's Day. I'd much rather the day just quietly pass by and then be gone. Another year gone by... the wounds may have been reopened but in time they will close leaving nothing but a memory of a lifetime ago.

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