Friday, April 27, 2007

Fingers Crossed About EI

I applied for Employment Insurance (EI). Now officially since I was fired they say you don't qualify but they do make exceptions. I can't count how many people I know that have been fired and still received EI. The apology I received from the parent company has to count for something, right? It's still a waiting game but I am hoping that they give it to me. Not only would it mean I would suddenly have about $1200 but it would mean a steady income until I find work. Now 55% of my previous wages is not great but it is still better then 0%.

There is another reason that I am hoping to qualify for EI. They pay for retraining and courses. Originally I was thinking about taking a computer securities course at Fleming. But 3 years for a diploma really didn't seem all that appealing. I can get another degree in 2 because I can fast-track a lot of the electives. That got me looking elsewhere and thinking about other degrees. I have always been interested in the media studies program at Western but figured I should actually go with something that will pay the bills in the end and isn't just something that while I have an interest in... may never make money with. After all to date that has been what my current degree has done for me. But while I was at Western's web site I somehow found my way to the graduate studies courses. And while there I came across the Master of Education (Counselling Psychology). My GPA is there but I don't have the experience or volunteer work that they are looking for. It was my starting point... but since it would take a year before I could even apply I had to look elsewhere. And that was when I found it... I came across Yorkville University in New Brunswick. They offer a Master of Arts (Counselling Psychology). Even better... it is all online. That's right... the courses are offered online. You focus on one course at a time and the entire program takes 20 months to complete, including a practicum. Now I can already hear the skepticism. They take your money and you get a worthless degree... It is a recognized university by the Government in New Brunswick. AND you can get OSAP to attend. Well you could if I didn't have so many issues with my student loan. Now I do need 2 references which might be tricky since I was fired from my last job. But I will worry about that later.

Step 1... Get approved for EI. Step 2... Apply for funding for retraining and then Step 3... See what happens. Now I would expect that I would have to at least partially pay for the education but since it is online you can work while going to school. And I do have my RRSPs. Ideally I would not have to touch them but all things considered it would be a worthwhile investment in my own future. For now I have my fingers crossed that I can make it past Step 1.

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