Monday, April 23, 2007

High on Medication

Yesterday I rediscovered why they say people with Fibromyalgia are hypersensitive to medication. I took Benadryl to see if it would clear up the watery eyes, sneezing and hives. I'm not sure if it worked or not... I was too stoned to tell. *lol* Now some would say that is a good thing. I disagree. It was kind of like a mini-paralysis. All the muscles in my shoulders and neck tightened up. They still hurt. I didn't get the munchies... In fact I didn't move at all, which is probably why the muscles hurt so much. I just about passed out. Of course the fact I am also on Trazodone might have made a difference since it is also a sedative. Even if it would help I am not sure I want to repeat the experience.

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