Friday, April 20, 2007


Right now I am running on about 3 hours of sleep. For a while there I thought it was going to be an hour and that's it. Needless to say I am pretty tired at the moment. I had trouble falling asleep last night and then woke up and could not get back to sleep. My apartment is back to being super heated so I was trying to adjust to that. Plus the fibromyalgia was bothering me so I was in a lot of pain. I was tossing and turning and just could not sleep. And then there is the overactive brain. I couldn't shut off my mind so I was thinking about random topics.

But I got out of bed to go see my family, in spite of how tired I was. I was starving since I had been up for most of the night and wanted a bagel. So I asked mom about stopping by Timmy's. She really didn't want to stop there. Then got kind of hostile about how long it took. I got my ass out of bed... all I wanted to do was sleep... Have the decency to let me get my breakfast. I've barely been eating lately as it is. Needless to say even though I got my bagel I really didn't enjoy it. And that set the tone for the rest of the day. I don't think mom had anything good to say.... I mean she may not have been negative throughout the day... although she definitely did have a few moments there. But she certainly wasn't positive... at least not towards me.

Before people start thinking my day was brutal it wasn't. I think I needed a night of no sleep to try and jumpstart my sleeping again. Hopefully tonight I can get some rest and some sleep and go to bed earlier then I have been. And I got to see my sister and my niece. Now both of them were clearly under the weather but it was still nice to see them. That made up for the rest of the day. :)

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