Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Silent No Longer

Quote: It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.
Author: A. A. Hodge

According to the dictionary integrity can be defined as, " Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code." I look around and I wonder how many people I would say still have integrity. Politics is characterized by lies and corruption with the advice being given to vote for the person who you think is lying the least. Business is driven by the bottom line and ethics has long since been glossed over. I am sure that people can draw on their own experience in a job where you wondered about some of the business practices. What has happened to morality? What happened to ethics? Is there still integrity in the workplace?

For too long I have stayed silent, scared of what would happen if I spoke up. I am silent no longer. Now that doesn't mean that I am going to tell-all... least of all my blog. There is a time and a place. But I am standing up for the truth and for my rights. The spoken word and the written word can be powerful weapons if wielded properly. They may have fired me in an attempt to silence me but they have not taken my voice. I left with my head held high and my integrity intact. The only thing I regret is not speaking up sooner.

Change begins with one person taking a stand and refusing to back down. It has been a tough road and, believe me, the last few weeks... hmm... make that 2 years now... have really taken a toll on me and cost me a great deal. But it has also inspired me to be an advocate for equal rights and fair treatment... Bring back the ethics to the workplace. I'm taking a stand for the truth... What would you take a stand on?

Quote: Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.
Author: Alexander Hamilton

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