Monday, April 09, 2007

Voyeurism in the Online World

This really ties in to the last post I had. Have you ever taken a look at your posts and realized that you wouldn't say that to just anyone, they would really have to know you? Yet here you are posting about that event for the whole world to see....

They say that knowledge is power. We always want to "know" what's going on with everyone else. To a certain degree we are all voyeurs in the online world. A voyeur is defined as, "An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects." We check out everyone else's blogs, Myspace pages, or facebook accounts to see who is friends with who... and for the latest news on them. I know people that spend hours on Facebook and will try and dig up the dirt on anyone they ever knew. This knowledge makes us feel important... as if we might have leverage, or at least know something about them that other people don't.

It also opens up the whole can of worms of online predators... People are less likely to censor themselves online. They are a lot more open and will say things that normally you wouldn't tell a complete stranger or someone that you barely know. So people could be spying on you... or stalking you based on what you post or what information you choose to give out.

Blogging makes people feel important, like they have a voice. The big question, is anyone really listening? And, who cares? I blog because I want to... It's sort of an online journal... Aside from some current self-censorship that one day I might be able to talk about. I'm not saying that friends and family don't care about what I have to say... but beyond that no one f'ing cares. But before you decide to post something you might want to think about the long term consequences. Would you want a stranger knowing this... or a potential employer.... and how would you feel in 5 years reading this? Be careful who you let see your online persona. And now it's time to go spy on some friends... err check out their most recent blog posts *lol*


  1. Anonymous6:37 p.m.

    I was pondering these things a few weeks ago myself, and as a result read EVERY entry on my blog from the perspective of "who would I NOT want to see this?/how easy is it for strangers to track down the real me from this?"

    A few posts might cause people to squirm with the "TMI" factor, but I think of it as an education. :)

    A few posts are angry or
    frustrated, and while the person(s) in question might be hurt a bit if they were ever to read them, I didn't say anything that wasn't true, so I'm willing to own up to it if I have to.

    I edited the few posts that had real names and/or locations.

    In the end, I'm comfortable with the information I have posted at this point, and aware that I reserve the right to change my mind at any point. :)

  2. Yes I am happy with the fact you can edit your posts later on... as I have done.

    While there certainly are a few posts that I wouldn't necessarily share with the general public it's still the truth, at least from my perspective. Just means a few people might have learned more about me then they ever wanted to know. *lol*

    Just been something that has been on my mind for a bit, brought on by a mini panic attack and bout of paranoia that I had. Over the paranoia now and back to saying what I believe.

  3. Oh and I can't even imagine reading every post that is on my blog... I saved it as a PDF file not long ago and it was 500 pages. That would be quite the reading.

  4. I started to change my takes so much time.
