Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why Do I Know More Then the People Dealing with My Student Loan

I finally got around to calling the National Student Loan Centre. I really didn't want to default on my student loan and they were calling me on a daily basis. The advice I was given was to give up on the appeal and start over. I was told that my loan payments would still be in arrears and I might have to pay the interest... or at most one month's payment. But then would qualify for interest relief and could breathe easy for 5 months... at which point I will have used up all 30 months of interest relief. I don't even want to think about that though.

At one point I mentioned the loan with the Royal Bank. His response was that I should contact them to see what they can do for me... Is there anyone that works there that really knows how this works? I can't apply for interest relief through the Royal Bank because the government stepped in and determined that it would all be handled by the National Student Loans Center. Unfortunately they don't seem to know this. This has been my ongoing fight for the last year. They seem to forget that loans that were negotiated before 2000 are added to the loans with the National Student Loans Center and the two combined are used to determine the maximum allowable income. How difficult is this concept? I am also concerned that I will be approved for interest relief and it won't end up applying to the Royal Bank loan. My question is... why didn't they consolidate the loans so that I only owed one source and it was easier to work with? I guess that would be too easy now wouldn't it?

So there is some good news in there... but also some news that is a little more unsettling. I really don't have the energy to keep fighting them. It seems to take up so much time and energy each time they make a mistake. But hopefully I will at least get the 5 months with no payments. That would at least make my life a little easier at the moment. Then I could breathe a sigh of relief.

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