Saturday, May 05, 2007


One of these days I just might head back to the hospital. I keep developing hives, especially on my neck and arms. It's been happening since early March. At first I thought it was being caused by something in the water since I would get really itchy when in the shower. And it still could be something in the water. But it could also be related to the fact Azrael is shedding a lot of furr since it's spring time. As an indoor cat I never thought he would be shedding this much. It's not just hives either. I am really congested and going through about half a box of Kleenex a day. More recently I've also noticed that my eyes have been watering... or now are dry and painful. I took Benadryl at one point for it. I have no idea if it helped or not since I just felt completely stoned. I could probably take it at night but I need something for during the day. I'm also wondering if that is why I am so tired.... It could be related to my body fighting off some sort of allergy. I just don't want to spend 4 hours at the hospital... And now that I am not working I no longer have drug coverage. And currently have no money. I can't afford the medication to treat it. It's part of the reason I've been holding off. But I should go get it checked out... make sure it is an allergic reaction and find out what I am allergic to.

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