Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lessons Learned?

So after being away for a couple of days there have been a few lessons that I have learned. Now I may be expanding on this list since I am still not home.

  1. Using Coke (the drink, not the white powder... although I suspect the white powder would not work either) to regulate hypoglycemia is NOT a good idea
  2. Along with #1, I really need to cut out Coke or at least cut back on it
  3. Mornings and I do not get along, although not so much because I'm nocturnal and mornings involve daylight... but because I run out of things to do and get bored or agitated
  4. The mood swings associated with low blood sugar are easily misattributed and quite often not treated properly with sugar
  5. It's tough to rely on other people for when to eat meals because by the time I am light headed it's a little late
  6. I always need something to do... I really do NOT know the meaning of the word "relax"
Notice that most of these are related to the hypoglycemia.... Lessons I should have learned a long time ago but haven't. Maybe now I will learn... maybe... I am stubborn you know.

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