Monday, May 21, 2007

Rough Morning

I woke up this morning at 8:45 a.m. I am sure that the people who know me had to read that twice. Yes I did say 8:45 a.m. I was a little tired... something about not sleeping in all weekend and not getting the 8-10 hours I am accustomed to. I am currently fighting the urge to have a nap. As an insomniac though I am not supposed to have naps at all. Silly doctors and their advice... something about not being able to sleep that night.

I also woke up this morning with a sore throat. It goes nicely with the congestion I've been battling for a long time now. It is way too nice outside to be sick and fighting something off. Wouldn't be the first time I've had bronchitis this late in the season though... but not quite what I wanted.

Just in case that wasn't enough... the abscess seems to have returned in my armpit. Not exactly a pleasant experience since it hurts to move my arm. It's been 9 months since I had the last one removed but before that I had never had one. Makes me a little concerned. Not to mention the fact the last time they made me cry like a baby. I'm not so enthused about repeating that experience... unless they want to give me good drugs and a security blanket any ways. Then it might be tolerable.

I suppose the good news is that the day isn't going to get worse.... so it can only get better. And once I was up and out of bed it has gotten better. Went out to breakfast and am now relaxing before I go home again. Almost time to see Azrael again and see what damage he has done to the apartment. Looking forward to the peace and quiet and curling up with my baby.

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