Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Waiting Game

EI typically takes 28 days to process a claim. According to the web site a decision should be made by May 7. So May 7th came and went and no decision was made. Today I finally decided to call them to try and get more information. I was told that it now takes about 5 weeks to process the claim and it would not be finalized until May 15th. Right now I have $1.88 in my bank account. Needless to say that means no grocery shopping, no bills are being paid, and no medication is being bought to try and fight off this allergic reaction, or at least control the itchiness of it. And that means waiting yet another week for them to make a decision. Talk about anxiety, especially since they can still say no. And until they say no I can't apply for Welfare. I still have about $500 that I can withdraw from my RRSPs although now that they know I have been terminated I am not sure how accessible the money is since they are supposed to be sending me paperwork to transfer the funds to another RRSP. But I don't want to withdraw that money for two reasons. For one, it was supposed to be for my future and retirement and I have already taken out about $5000. Secondly, if EI turns me down then I am going to need that money to put towards rent. I don't know what to do. Something has to change.

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