Thursday, May 31, 2007

When it Rains it Pours

In this case literally. Today has been a day of severe thunderstorms. Azrael wasn't sure what to make of the thunder. At one point he was hiding underneath the futon. Then once it had cleared up he curled up on me and went to sleep. I was just about to start laundry when the power went out. About an hour later the power came back on. So I took my laundry downstairs and all the washers were full. I figure people probably had to redo their laundry since the cycles had stopped with the power outage. I was bringing my clothes back upstairs when the power went out again. Even the emergency lights went out. I was in the stairwell at the time and couldn't see anything. So I stopped on the third floor and fortunately there was a guy right there that was moving out. His front door was open allowing light in. His friend was going to try and help me get back to the 5th floor but the flashlight didn't work. The lights came back on pretty quickly. So at 6:00 I tried to do laundry again. Once again all the washing machines were in use. This is just getting frustrating. It takes a lot out of me to take a load of laundry downstairs and I am running out of time. They lock the doors at 10:00. Hopefully I can get the laundry done tonight. I've already taken out the recycling, taken out the garbage and vacuumed the floor. I'd like to get the laundry and the dishes done too. Then I would be able to take it easy tomorrow afternoon before I head out to a friends. It's also too bad the rain doesn't seem to be cooling things down. It's still over 80 degrees here and really humid. Ick.

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