Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's All About the Timing

So the last couple of weeks have been pretty rough. I have been fighting Apple to get my computer replaced yet again. The estimate right now is that I will have the new one between July 20th and July 30th. So.... basically I will have been without a working computer for about 8 weeks. Not good.... and I really want it back. I want to banish the PC and go back to my Mac. I really miss it. Plus I have been dealing with the abscess that has sent me to the hospital twice. After 2 weeks the pain finally started to go away and it's now going down in size. But I don't do helpless very well. Needless to say I feel worn out. I feel overloaded and just overwhelmed.

Then on Tuesday I get a call. That's unusual in and of itself *lol* Since it was morning I missed it. But it was my biological mother. She was going to be at the Peterborough zoo on Wednesday and wanted to meet. I was really torn about this. It comes down to timing. I really do want to meet her. But, at the same time, I just wanted to withdraw from the world until I didn't feel quite so overwhelmed. Now I was going to go but when I called to find out the details I just got the answering machine and she did not return my call. So I figured plans had changed. Turns out she did come to Peterborough and I missed it since I was sound asleep.

I'm a little disappointed that I missed out. It's not like I have many opportunities for this. But I am also a little relieved. I already felt like I was fighting with everything. Not exactly the best frame of mind to be meeting someone. Hopefully the next time around I don't have quite so much going on. Who am I kidding? That seems to be the story of my life.

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