Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Impact

I took a test to determine my carbon footprint. My score was 209 which is a carbon output of 4 tons. So how does that compare to others? Scores range from 150 to 900 and the lower the score the better. The average individual living in a household puts out 12 tons and the average apartment/condo dweller puts out 8 tons. The average score in the US is 325 and in Canada it's 325. Since I don't drive I think I have a high carbon footprint and am definitely looking for ways that I can reduce the impact I have. Now there is talk of carbon offsetting where you do things like plant trees, or invest in alternative energy sources. So what did they estimate the cost would be for me to offset the carbon being produced? It would cost about $2000. Makes me wonder how much Al Gore would have to pay. See my post on Gore for further details.

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