Wednesday, August 22, 2007

For All You Dieters Out There

Anyone that has ever been on a diet knows that it takes willpower and determination. The assumption is that sugar is off-limits but really in order to engage in any real executive brain functioning you need a steady supply of the mind's preferred energy source.

Nutritionist Jeannie Moloo said to focus on foods rich in lean protein and complex carbohydrates. Since they are metabolized at a steady rate it leads to stable blood-sugar levels. Some suggestions given include low-fat yogurt, fresh strawberries, fish, grilled chicken and vegetables with a hummus dip.

Timing is everything. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, eat every 3-4 hours. If you know that you are about to be facing a stressful situation have a healthy snack beforehand. This way the brain's supply of glucose does not get depleted.

I'm sure a few of you are wondering why on earth I am giving suggestions for dieting.... followed closely by wondering if I have an eating disorder. *lol* I came across an article in Psychology Today a couple of months ago on the subject and thought it was a good article. As someone who is hypoglycemic I can attest to the role that blood sugar plays in everyday life and critical thinking. Now I can't speak for how well it does for dieting since I would actually like to gain weight but from a psychological point of view it makes a lot of sense. Like they say it's not about lean cuisine but about keen cuisine.

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