Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shh.... It's a Secret

I'll start this with a preamble of my own. Now that Suzanne has tagged me I am supposed to go on to tag others to share their own secrets. I am not going to do that. Most of the people I know with blogs have already been tagged. And for anyone that hasn't I don't want them to feel obligated to share all. If they want to then they can. No pressure. Online my life seems to be an open book so I am not sure what to say... Besides my family reads this so there are certain things I am not about to share. But without further adieu.

Rules: People who are tagged need to write in their own blog these rules & the eight things. At the end of the your blog post, tag six people and list their (blog) names. Leave a comment on their blog telling them they've been tagged and encourage them to read your blog.

Secret # 1. I studied psychology in school because that was what I knew. I had no idea what I was really good at so I went with what I knew. If I had it to do all over again I am not sure that's what I would choose for myself. But then I am 28 years old and don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

Secret # 2. After being fired from work I actually was more concerned with doing what was best for the company than what was best for me. Can we say doormat? I really need to start looking out for my own interests... not to the point of being completely selfish but so that I don't get completely taken advantage of.

Secret # 3. I sleep with the stuffed bunny that I had as a child on my bed. It helps reassure me and is calming when I get stressed out.

Secret # 4. I really should see a therapist but I think my education is holding me back. Since my degree is in psychology I feel like I already know the answers and what I need to change. It's like they say... "Physician heal thyself."

Secret # 5. When in high school I thought that popularity was one of the signs of success. I thought that I needed a large number of friends and to be social all the time. I have since realized that I am more content in isolation with just me and Azrael. I really am a loner at heart.

Secret # 6. The Chinese horoscope is definitely accurate in it's description of me and finances. Money is nothing more then a means to an end. It does not bring happiness. If I have money I spend it. The word "save" is not in my vocabulary.

Secret # 7. I have a tough time with the A&E show "Intervention." I feel like I am a voyeur and it makes me a little uncomfortable to be invading someone's privacy that deeply. I put myself in the shoes of the addict and wouldn't want the entire world to see me like that. It also makes me realize that I would not want my friends and family to corner me in an intervention. So if you ever feel the need think twice.

Secret # 8. I am one of the only people that has self-induced ADD. After falling off my bike when I was 14 I fractured the skull. When I went to see my family doctor afterwards she told me that I would likely have trouble concentrating on task and would need to focus. She was right. I have to work at it. So if you ever think I'm not paying attention I could be multi-tasking or just struggling to pay attention. If I had the hyperactivity to go with it then right about now I would be saying it's time to go ride a bike.

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