Thursday, September 27, 2007

At the Movies

Over the weekend I went to see Resident Evil: Extinction with Adam. I have never played the video games but Adam was pretty happy to see them introduce the crows into the movie. I own the other two movies so it was really a no-brainer that I was going to see the movie... or just wait for it to come out. I must say that I really liked it. It's pretty graphic though so it's no wonder it got an 18+ rating in Canada.

Tuesday nights are cheap nights at the theater. So I went to see Eastern Promises on Tuesday. Now throughout most of the movie I was wondering why it too got an 18+ rating. Granted it was a Cronenberg film and was about a crime family. And then came the fight in the steam bath and all doubts as to the rating was quickly removed. Stylistically it is different then what we have come to expect from Hollywood. If you want something that is nice and neatly packaged then you may want to go see something else. If you want something that is gritty and leaves things open for interpretation then you just might want to check it out. But it's definitely not for the squeamish.

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