Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Conception Day

Now I just had to report on this story. Apparently a Russian province is getting ready for "Family Contact" day (AKA "Conception Day"). So Wednesday is a good time to procreate and the hope is that you would be giving birth on Russia's Constitution Day. This year the governor of that province awarded prizes like televisions and ATVs to families who had babies on June 12rh. There are a series of concerts and exhibitions planned to promote family values and employers are encouraged to give their employees the day off. Wonder if they get paid for the day off...

As a side note to this story 2/3 of Russian men are intoxicated when they die. Russia is also one of the only places where the life expectancy has decreased over the last 15 years instead of increased. So as a result they are fighting a decline in population. You can thank my social work class on addictions for these tidbits of information.

All I can think right now is Ready... Set.... Go... and Have fun! :)

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