Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and the Frustrating

As of late I have been turning off the air conditioner at night to conserve energy and because it had been cooling down. Then suddenly we were back in the middle of a heat wave. I must say that I also rediscovered just how much Azrael does not like the air conditioner. As soon as I turned it off he went back to sleeping on my bed. Thursday night I had turned it off but it was so warm that I wound up not being able to sleep. Ordinarily that wouldn't be a big deal since I don't have to be up in the morning. But Friday I was going out to lunch with Suzanne so I had to be up. Ever notice that when you have to be up it becomes harder to fall asleep and stay asleep? It's like you are subconsciously pressuring yourself to sleep and it's counter productive.

So by the time Suzanne got there I was tired. It was a very nice lunch at Montana's. I do typically enjoy seeing my sister. And she brought with her good news. Then it was off to a couple of stores and over to pick up Nixie. I'm not sure what was with mom but she seemed to be on the attack with me. It was a short visit and then Nixie wanted to see Azrael. So the visit was good overall.

After they left it dawned on me that I needed to pick up a few things. Thursday night I also discovered that there is a leak in the pipes in the kitchen. The good news is that I had a bucket underneath the sink that caught most of the water. The bad news is that the bucket was also filled with cleaning supplies. Not everything could be salvaged. I also wanted to pick up some hangers after my shopping spree at Valu Village. So I head out. Now it is incredibly windy and I am in pain since I have been doing a lot of walking all week... and lately I really haven't gotten out much. But I go out any ways. When I get near Zellers I discover that the power is out and all the stores are closed. So Zellers is closed. By this point I am cursing. I don't want to just turn around and leave empty handed. So I trek on. Shoppers Drug Mart was also closed. Then I got to the mall which had reopened. Couldn't find most of what I was looking for there. So I had to go back to Zellers any ways. By then it was re-opened. Definitely a frustrating experience.

There was also a big meeting on Friday and I was hoping to find out what the outcome was.... but as of right now still no word. I am in limbo at the moment and really want an answer. I guess God is really teaching me patience at the moment.

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