Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Popcorn: A Deadly Food

I was looking up the latest news on Yahoo's web site. Talk about the changing landscape with more people getting their news from the internet. But that is a whole other conversation. One of the articles was talking about how popcorn could really be hazardous to your health... at least microwaved popcorn.

Supposedly it is related to the butter flavor that is used and the fumes that are emitted when it is microwaved. The consumer developed lung disease after microwaving bags of extra butter flavor popcorn several times a day for years. I have to stop right there and ask the question that I am sure is on everyone's minds. Who eats that much popcorn? Seriously. I can handle it on occasion but I can't even finish a bag... let alone several bags a day, every day, for years. How could that be good for you? Apparently his condition stabilized after giving up the popcorn.

What scares me even more is that there is a condition called "popcorn lung." There are lawsuits in regards to workers at food factories exposed to the chemicals used for flavoring in popcorn. It should be noted that Weaver Popcorn Inc. has said it will replace the butter flavor in response to consumer concerns. The next time you want to make some popcorn it may not be as healthy as you think. And now... I'm feeling kind of hungry.

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