Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I really am beginning to think that the recording industry is just stupid and unwilling to embrace the world of technology. Their new saviour: Ringles. They are trying to resurrect singles and combining it with a ringtone. So for $5.98 or $6.98 you will be able to buy a CD with 3 songs, 1 of which will be a ringtone... So really you're getting 2 songs. First of all that seems really expensive for me. You can buy most full length CDs for $10-$15 and get about 10 songs. So I'm not sure how this will save the industry. Secondly, more and more people are downloading their music. That is just reality. Fight it all they want... But look at the success of iTunes. It allows you to buy the entire album or individual songs. I have 30 GB of music on my external hard drive and while I may not own an iPod I have 1 GB of music on an SD card that I insert into my PDA and play it from there. I don't own a stereo any more and, instead, stream the music from the computer through the AirPort Express and into my speakers. I'm not even sure what the last CD I bought from a store was.... Papa Roach Paramour Sessions perhaps. More and more I am buying the music from iTunes. More often then not it costs less, provides instant gratification, and I am just going to be putting the songs on my computer any ways. Besides it means I don't have to create space for albums that I am not going to look at again any ways. I mean sure the racks look nice... and it shows people that visit my materialistic side... but I have embraced the digital world. It is time for the recording industry to do the same. It's a brave new world out there.

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