Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Where There is Smoke There is Fire

The other day I was watching TV and chatting with people when I hear the fire alarm going off. Azrael high-tails it to the bedroom. I grab my wallet, keys and cell phone. Then I head out the door. My neighbour was also heading out the door at the same time. We ran into Leslie, one of the superintendents. She started saying that if it was a real fire they'd be knocking on everyone's doors. So the impression I got is that it was a false alarm and we could stay inside and carry on with our lives. Now I thought that was the worst thing she could be advising.

Last June when there really was a fire they weren't knocking on doors to get people out. In fact the alarm had been going off for over 30 minutes when I realized it was a real fire. Plus with all the apartments in the building it takes a long time for them to knock on everyone's doors. You are better off leaving when you hear the alarm. That way you are not gambling on your own safety. Plus the alarm is not that pleasant to listen to endlessly.

I told her I was going outside any ways. If I am not mistaken Leslie went back in her apartment. When I got into the stairwell I heard someone say there was a fire on the 8th floor. Then I knew I was making the right decision. I got outside and could still see the smoke from the 8th floor. Three fire trucks show up. I could hear the transmissions and the fire was already out but there were people that had to be treated for smoke inhalation so I wasn't sure how long until they would allow people back in the building.

I called SS and we went out for coffee. Well would've except that Timmy's no longer sells Coke. They now have a deal with Pepsi. So I wound up at Sobey's getting my Coke. Then we went down to Little Lake for a while. By the time we got back we were allowed back in.

Turns out it was a grease fire. Everyone is fine and they managed to get the pet out of the apartment too. I must say that this is the first building I have lived in where there has been a real fire. I lived in a ghetto neighbourhood in London and never had a problem. Times Square had the most false alarms but none that were real. This is now the third fire in less then a year and a half. Okay so the second one was the garbage outside and didn't require an evacuation but still.

Maybe I should find another place to live. But I can't afford first and last and I really don't want to sign another lease at the moment. So as long as no one actually burns the entire place down it's all good.

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