Sunday, December 16, 2007

First Week Done

My first week on the floor is now done. Had 3 weeks of training and the schedule was 4 to midnight. It was a rough schedule. Not a lot of time to get things done. My day just got broken up so I only had a couple of hours before work and a couple of hours after work. Plus that late in the day I just found my concentration wasn't there. Or maybe it was the extended absence from the workplace. But training is now done and over with.

I have discovered that midnights are the perfect shift for me. On day shifts often you have no chance to do things like go to the doctor... chiropractor... anyone that is 9 to 5. And if you work evenings then you only have the mornings to get anything done... and we all know how much I like mornings. Now I get off work at 8 and can get things done first thing in the morning. Take Friday for instance. I went grocery shopping after work. Then I stopped by my apartment to drop off the groceries and then went to the bank. Came home and went to bed. Slept until about 7:30 and if I still needed to go to a store I could've. Then left just after 11 to get to work. Perfect I tell you.

I even called mom up on my way by her apartment... since I knew I'd be working Christmas. So I invited her out for coffee. I ended up visiting with her for quite a while and then she took me out for breakfast... and to run a couple of errands... and then home.

I am enjoying the job, for the most part. And it's not the kind of job that I take home with me. What an improvement. And now I am off until Tuesday.... well I leave here Monday night to go into work. So I will be home for the snowstorm and not trying to brave the weather.

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