Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a Day

Today (or yesterday by the time I post this) I got home from work and then was doing some random, useless things. At the end I was watching Nascar Live to see if they had any useful news. They really didn't. What a waste of time. So in the end I went to bed late... around 2:00 p.m. About an hour later I woke up from my dreamland.... but was startled awake. I was pretty incoherent at the time and somehow thought that I was late for work or had missed my shift entirely. So I turned the alarm off and then realized that it was only 3:00 p.m. Now I thought I turned the alarm back on.... Apparently not. I woke up to my phone going off at 10:45 when my ride arrived. 20 minutes later I was out the door but here we are a few hours later and I still feel like a zombie. Not a good way to begin the day. Stumble out the door to go to work and stop at McDonald's for dinner. Seems they don't sell the grilled chicken after 11. So much for anything that might remotely be healthy. Time for a quarter pounder. The fries were cold. Get to work and according to my schedule I was a no-call, no-show yesterday. Now I pride myself on attendance. Not only that but I was here yesterday taking calls.... so that better get changed... and it better be done before we get paid for that week. What else is going to happen today?

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