Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Powers of Advertising

I was about to comment on how I was reading my copy of "Good" really late and make some excuse about how I have other things to do.... and then I looked at it and realized it was for March/April. So really I am not that far behind. Just because it had been sitting on top of my bar fridge for over a month now is beside the point. Speaking of magazines though I also have a subscription to Scientific American: Mind and the most recent edition seems to MIA. I really am going to have to contact them about it one of these days.

I really did have a point here.... Oh yeah on advertising. I was reading through the magazine (What else am I going to do at work? Actually work? Pfffttt) and came across the new Saturn Ad for Astra. It has really got me thinking.... brain in overdrive here.... It says, "How about a little single-tasking. Phones that play music. Music players that play movies. When did we start doing everything at once? And when did we multitask the joy out of driving? ... Just something to rethink about."

Doesn't quite make me want to go out and buy a Saturn... but it does bring into focus more of the lifestyle. Right now I am at work.... It's all about multi-tasking. Having a conversation with the customer, troubleshooting the issue, locating customer information, and creating case notes. Then when I go home I am trying to do so many things at once... from catching up on TV shows that I missed, to email, to video editing, chatting on MSN, eating, to whatever else I can find. Then I wonder where the day has gone and why even though I always seem to be busy that I really didn't accomplish all that much.

But as a result I now have trouble just sitting down and watching a movie. I feel like I should be doing so much more. I now feel like I should be multi-tasking ALL the time. Kind of takes the joy of it. So maybe I should try to get back to focusing on just one thing at at time... Like the Saturn ad says.

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