Monday, December 08, 2008

On Turning the Big 30

I just realized how long it's been since I last updated my blog. My bad. So I was at work on the 19th... no big deal... then came home and heated up my lasagna for dinner. Went to heat up a second piece and the microwave was dead. Not what I wanted. How to start my birthday off with a bang. I am still blown away by the fact Dawn showed up with a microwave for me. She traded in my original present for this... since a microwave is pretty much a necessity for me. First up on my actual plans for the day was the chiropractor. I wanted to at least feel good for the day. It also gave me a chance to see mom. From there we went out to dinner. Mmm chicken and ribs. Can't forget the daiquiri either. And then I went to see Quantum of Solace with Dawn to round out the evening. It was a great day... and was relaxing.

Now I was supposed to go out on the weekend as well to finish off the celebrations but it just wasn't meant to be. Seems like everyone, but me, was sick that weekend. So those plans are still in pending status. Making it up is going to be a challenge since everyone's schedules vary wildly. Since it's now December and the holiday season I have a feeling it is going to be January before that happens. But I am now 30... and aging gracefully I might add. Helps that I am still carded virtually everywhere I go. *lol*

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