Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rough Morning

I woke up this morning at 11:00. That's not what made the day rough though *lol* I am not sure what woke me up. I am thinking it might have been an alarm but I am not really sure. Either I startled Azrael or whatever woke me up did. Problem is that when he got startled he jumped.... and extended claws. Can you see where this is going? Next thing I know I have puncture marks in my hand.... Oh and one paw landed on my face... right near my eye. Fortunately, he missed my eye but as you can see from the pictures it was not a pleasant experience. Hurt like a mofo actually. I kind of crawled out of bed still half asleep to see how bad it was bleeding... and then it was just this blinding pain. At least I was able to go back to sleep for a couple of course. The pain has now pretty much subsided but I am sure it's going to look nice when I go back to work on Saturday. I can't get mad at Azrael since he didn't set out to attack me.... It just happened.

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