Monday, December 08, 2008

Winter in the Ghetto

I came home from work today and it was about 65 degrees in my apartment and the windows were all iced over on the inside. :( I have asked repeatedly to have the heat fixed and they have done nothing. Oh sorry they have replaced the thermostat. Now I will say that it is currently nice and toasty warm in my living room at least. I have a wonderful space heater that is really pumping out the heat at the moment. Too bad I can't really leave it on indefinitely. Something about being a fire hazard and all. But it's nice for now.... and has melted all the ice from the window... not sure about the bedroom. I don't think I will be as lucky there... too much space for one little heater to work it's magic. But I do have 2 blankets and my duvet already.... and can grab more blankets if I really need them. Ahhh warmth.... here in the ghetto

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