Thursday, February 12, 2009

End of the Season Illnesses

I have pretty much been KO'd since Saturday. Each day has brought with it changing symptoms. At first I thought it was bronchitis since I get that at least once each winter. But I also had these aches that made it feel a little like the flu. However other days it was all about the congestion. So it was hard to know what to treat. I ended up missing 3 full days and then the one day that I did go in at all I left after only 5 hours. I couldn't handle any more then that. I was sweating like crazy, almost delirious, and was super pale. I couldn't focus and knew I shouldn't be at work. Stuck it out as long as I could and then went home to rest again. Now I am off for 2 days and will be going back on Saturday. Been pretty rough. Not sure what will happen with the finances. According to their policies I should be able to use accrued vacation time to cover the 3 full days so it won't be a complete loss. Assuming I actually get paid for it any ways. Pay roll leaves something to be desired. And I did file my taxes so my tax return will be going towards rent and other bills instead of replacing my speakers. At least I am now starting to feel better, although I am wondering if I bruised my ribs from coughing.

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