Thursday, June 04, 2009

Thanks Obama

I used to like Obama. I thought he was charismatic and would bring some much needed change to the US. Just look back at the recent presidents. Clinton will be remembered not for what he did in the oval office. Well okay maybe for what he did in the oval office... or more like who he did in the oval office. And then there was Bush Jrwho in many respects could likely be called the war crimes president. After all he started a war with a country that didn't even have weapons of mass destruction and had not attacked the US. Let's not forget Gitmo... condoning torture.... and the fact people now know what waterboarding is. So really it doesn't take much to be seen as a step up.

And this is where I stop liking Obama. I used to think that I had a recession proof job. I worked at a call centre after all where the turnover rate is so high it's hard to even staff the place. I thought I was safe. And then they cut our hours and there was talk that the client was trying to find a way to get out of the contract so that they could get some of the government's money being handed out for creating jobs in the US... instead of outsourcing them. When people think of outsourcing they think of countries like India and forget that Canada is also a pretty big outsourcer. So much for free trade... It's all part of his economic stimulus package. Remove tax cuts for companies that operate overseas (I guess Canada is now overseas as well... since it seems to be anyone that operates on foreign soil) and provide tax benefits for companies that keep jobs in the US.

Interesting how as soon as Obama had declared his tax reforms again at the beginning of May that suddenly our hours were cut and people were laid off. And then less then a month later the contract is gone and we are all without jobs. Their version of temporary is until either you find another job or they secure another client. So thanks Obama for taking away my $10.24/hour so that someone in the US can take that job and get paid about double what I was.

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