Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tide Has Definitely Turned

Wasn't even 6 months ago when I was working all the OT I could possibly want and life was good. No real stress about how bills were going to be paid. Was even planning ahead to take a vacation or buy a big screen TV. Then the OT dried up because we were on a reduced queue. Skip ahead about 3 months and our hours were cut and permanent layoffs started. And then today the other shoe dropped. I didn't get advanced notice from my employer.... So first I got an email from a co-worker telling me that they had been laid off effective immediately. Then I get a call from someone asking what happened at work today. So I knew something was up. But then I hear from someone that doesn't even work there telling me it's on the news and that if you call there is a message saying that "due to a lack of work all employees are temporarily laid off." Good news is that being temporary means I still have my drug benefits. So I might want to get my prescriptions filled sooner rather then later. But the bad news is still that it means no income at the moment.... beyond my last pay cheque. Sure I qualify for EI but I wasn't making that much to begin with so it's still going to be dicey and it takes a while to even start getting that money. And I had used all my vacation hours to make up for the reduced hours. So that won't tide me over. Time to practice some deep breathing exercises and let the fact that I am once again unemployed sink in.

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