Saturday, December 17, 2005

2 + 2 = 4... Or Does It?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound? Intuitively, I want to say yes because if I am there then I would hear it. And I don't believe that it should depend on me for there to be sound. There is also the physics involved in motion and sound waves. But... sound is also largely relative. We hear things at a certain frequency. We perceive that there is sound and as a result we hear the tree hitting the ground.

Perception equals reality. How we perceive the world is shaped by our background, our culture, our beliefs and our life experiences. If we perceive the world to be a hostile place then that will shape our reality. It will be how we see things and how we interpret it. Our world view is shaped by those perceptions and in turn it is how we are seen by others.

I've been told I am "cold as ice" and unemotional. That was the perception because I didn't outwardly show emotion. Does that make it reality? Yes... and no... Human nature and personality are complex. I do tend to wear a mask that I am strong and feel nothing. I don't want to feel anything for reasons I am not going to get into at the moment. Some people see through the mask while others just believe that I am "cold as ice." But once you have a perception of someone it is hard to change that. You start attributing behaviours and comments to that view you now have of them. In a lot of ways though it really does start with how you see yourself. I thought I had to be strong and show no emotion. So it's no wonder that other people started seeing me that way as well.

I guess my question for you is this, how do you see yourself?

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