Saturday, December 17, 2005

Random Facts

Before someone decides to tag me for random facts... I thought I'd post a few.

1. I live in the same building I work in. Talk about convenience.. or laziness.

2. I have self induced ADD from a head injury when I was 14. Suzanne, I still feel bad about destroying your shirt when I fell off my bike. As a side note, the skull is the only bone I have ever fractured.

3. My favourite shows when growing up were Profiler and Pretender. My favourite shows that are still on the air include CSI, Lost, and Survivor.

4. I'm a big fan of Escher and his impossible figures. Just check out the artwork at my apartment.

5. I've been homeless twice. Fortunately, in both cases I had a couch to sleep on.

6. My favourite PS2 games are Tiger Woods 2005 and Def Jam: Fight for New York. Weird mix I know.

7. The farthest out of the country I have been is Mexico. Really need to do some travelling.

8. Back in my letter writing days I used to make the envelopes out of magazine ads or pictures.

9. Currently, I have 5 tattoos and the most I have paid for one so far is 3 cigarettes. Pretty good deal I must say.

10. Adam got me interested in Japanese anime after I said I would never like it. Now I have Neon Genesis Evangelion in my collection.

11. On a related note... I once called into work robbed after 60 DVDs were stolen. With the help of the pawn shop I was able to recover about 35 of them.

12. Not one of my DVDs is a burned copy, although I did have to buy a DVD player that would play PAL DVDs. Right now I have 237 movies, 13 from music artists, Band of Brothers, Neon Gensis, 5 seasons of CSI, 3 seasons of CSI Miami, 4 seasons of Six Feet Under, Season 1 of Lost, Seasons 1 &2 of Pretender, Earth 2 and 4 seasons of Queer as Folk. My DVD collection is where most of my money goes.

13. My student loan is $54,000 and I'm not even working in the psychology field. But do I regret it? Not one bit.

14. Bought an XBox 360 more to stream my DVD projects to the TV then to play games on. Ordered in September and am still waiting for it to come in.

15. I enjoy board games and trivia. I am such a fan of CSI I have the game to go with it. But the prize of that collection is Scene It. I now have the movie edition, the TV edition and the James Bond edition.

And there you have it... a few random facts about me. Some things you might have known and others probably not.

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