Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Day at Work

So today was just one of those days... It started out with me being tired since I haven't been sleeping. Worked 5 days and then was off for 1... then back in for 3. Felt like a long stretch there. Today was the tail end of that. During my coaching time I was pretty lazy. I didn't have much to do any ways. I got the two call evaluations done that I needed to. Spent some more time fighting with the printer and, other then that, really didn't do much.

In 5 hours took 48 calls. In tech support that is an awful lot of calls. No wonder I was drained and had a migraine by the end. By the end of the day I was a little frazzled and happy to have a couple of days off.

I am definitely hoping I get some sleep tonight. Been playing the usual role of insomniac because I can't shut my brain off. But on top of that I've been waking up frequently. So I feel almost like a zombie in the morning. Rest would be good.

Tomorrow I am going to be spending some time with Suzanne, Dave and Annika. I haven't seen them in a while so I am looking forward to that. I think it will be the first time they see my apartment. Then we're going out to dinner with mom. It's the family affair... just missing dad but since he's in BC that's not an option.

For now it's about time I have a shower and find some clean clothes for tomorrow. I haven't got around to doing laundry yet. On my list of things to do on my days off. Along with the chiropractor... and shopping. Gotta make use of my time off.

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