Wednesday, December 28, 2005


"Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear" (Empire Records)

I am really starting to think there is a lot of truth to that statement. I was having a shower and suddenly, randomly started to think about the labels we give people which then shapes how we see them. Have I mentioned my mind is a little quirky? If we label someone then we start seeing other behaviours as a pattern. In turn, this reinforces our view of them.

Take ADHD for example. Before I go on I am going to say that I do believe ADHD is real... However, I do think it is overdiagnosed. Is the child hyperactive because they are seeking attention? Maybe it's the only way for them to get attention. Are they hyperactive because they are not challenged? It's possible they act this way because the task at hand does not stimulate them enough. Or are they hyperactive because of a real disorder? As soon as a child is labelled with ADHD then they are put into a box and that label goes with them. It affects how other people interact with them. It also affects how they see themselves. And once they are diagnosed with ADHD then other behaviours are attributed to the ADHD and it becomes a reinforcing circle. They have all these behaviours so the diagnosis must be right.

Now I don't have ADHD. Some days I may have ADD from a head injury but I work hard to minimize that. But some people could give the label of "Borderline Personality Disorder" because I was a cutter. I engaged in self-injury. It's a great resource on the subject. But as soon as you label me with BPD then you are going to say that the impulsiveness and reckless behaviour are also part of the disorder. How about we just call it what it is. It was a maladaptive coping mechanism. We all have them. For some it is binge eating, for others alcohol or drugs, or it could also be reckless sexual encounters. Deep down we all have ways of coping that are not healthy. There is just a greater stigma associated with cutting. I couldn't handle emotions so I turned it into a phsyical pain. I'm also not trying to justify it but I can say it was not about seeking attention. I will also be the first to admit that it is not a good thing. But don't put a label on it so that you can treat it with some medication. Or so you can say that I did it because of a disorder. It was a way to cope... end of story. If you're not familiar with self-injury I encourage you to check out "Secret Shame"

So the next time you want to label someone think about the long term effects it will have. No idea why I was even thinking about it but whatever. You never know what I am going to think of.


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