Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Global Community or More Isolation?

The internet is a great thing. It brings people together and creates a real sense of community. It is supposed to be a global village... uniting people from all over the world. Sure it is about the only way I find out what is happening since I don't watch the news. But as I write this I wonder whether it really is the global village or just brings more isolation.

I work in a call center so I don't necessarily want to come home and talk on the phone. I rarely write a letter any more since I can just email someone. And I hide behind an email instead of having a face to face conversation. I find it easier to write then to try and come up with the words to say. I've always been pretty quiet and reserved, but the internet.... more specifically email... has shaped how I communicate with others.

What is even sadder to me is that relationships now end in an email... or on MSN. At least with Adam that was a face to face conversation. Tristan, on the other hand, couldn't do it in person. Took the cowards way out and ended it on MSN.

I think the reason that people, myself included, hide behind an email... is that it's safer. Even though your name is on it there is still a feeling of anonymity. And you can't see their reaction to the news. I have a shirt that says "Stare in my face, Stare at my soul." There is a lot of truth to that. The eyes are the window to the soul. And to actually interact with someone means making yourself vulnerable. Having an actual conversation with someone involves not only the words that are used, but also the body language and what the eyes reveal. Sending an email only shows one side of that.

Not to say the internet doesn't have it's benefits. I spend way too much time online and am very much a part of the global village. But I do think it's sad that people find out what is going on in my life from a blog or from an email. As I am concluding this I am inspired to go have a conversation with someone... or would if it wasn't 3:00 in the morning. Just something to think about.

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