Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I was just watching some TV and an ad came on for some insomnia medication. Probably a good thing it wasn't an informercial or I might have been watching it for a while and then calling the number to order some. Some days it really sucks to be an insomniac. All you want is one decent night's sleep. And it seems like everyone has some idea of how to achieve that. The doctors always tell you to quit smoking. I did that and it didn't help. They also tell you to cut back on caffeine. Yeah like that is going to happen. Doctors also tell you just to use the bedroom for sleep and sex, nothing else. They really wouldn't want to see my bedroom right now then. There's the TV, PS2 and computer. But even with just my bed and dresser it didn't help. Or there are always medications... most of them make you so groggy you can barely function in the morning and still don't want to get out of bed. Mind you I love reading the side effects where it says "may cause drowsiness." Wasn't that the whole point? There's also 101 herbal remedies to help you sleep. Or white noise... CDs... light therapy... etc. If that doesn't work maybe you need therapy to work on those issues causing you not to sleep. I did a sleep study once. They forced me to try and sleep earlier then I normally would and then wondered why I couldn't fall asleep. If it wasn't bad enough that it was only midnight and still early for me... I was hooked up to all these electrodes so it was not exactly comfortable. When I did manage to fall asleep an electrode would come off so they'd wake me up to put it back on. I'm still not sure if they're goal was to study sleep patterns or make me so tired that I would sleep well the next night. This is one of those times I miss not having a doctor. Not so I can take that drug I saw in the ad earlier... but to go back on the Lorazapam. Now that stuff was great. I can't imagine why they say it's addictive. Knocks you out and you wake up the next morning. In the quest for sleep I even spent $1000 on my mattress. It helps the Fibro but I'm still an insomniac. Although it could be worse... I could be Edward Norton in Fight Club or Christian Bale in the Machinist. So there's always that.

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