Wednesday, December 21, 2005


For me everything in life is about balance... harmony... equilibrium... whatever you want to call it. And no, I am not about to go on a greenpeace, save the world, speech here. More like the laws of physics, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Just look at good and evil. Some would say that is all relative. But we can't deny that these terms are opposite and most people fall somewhere in the middle. Although Nietzsche once said, "There is an old illusion, it's called good an evil." They are both terms that we are familiar with. Parents often tell their children to "Be good" and this instills our value system. But no one wants to be good all the time. So we find a balance somewhere in the middle.

There's also chaos & order. The Chinese symbols on the left represent chaos & order. Most of my life has been represented by chaos. From family life and beyond, the lack of stability, and the lifetime of hurt. The last couple of years have been about tipping the scales and bringing order into chaos. I got the tattoo to remind me of the need for balance between chaos & order.

So however you want to look at it: good and evil, yin and yang, chaos and order, may you find peace.
