Monday, December 19, 2005

It's About the Small Things

Today I was relearning that some times it is about the small things you do for someone else. I went into work a few minutes early to send an email to someone. I know... ignoring what I said about the isolation in the global village... But I wanted to let them know I was thinking about them and that I could relate to what they were going through. When they thanked me for taking the time to write the email it made my day. I had impacted someone with something that I didn't even really think about. It was just a small gesture. Sometimes it is about the small things that we do for others.

1 comment:

  1. Because the internet has become our security blanket... we feel anonymous there.

    Life is really just about the small things... as much as we want to think it's about those big events.. those big events are usually just a bunch of smaller things.

    Ultimately, what is more important... spending 5 minutes helping someone or that time we waste every day?
