Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Enjoying a night alone... for once the roommate is out of town. So it has just been me and Azrael all day. Really enjoying the sound of silence. Of course being Wednesday it's time for Lost, Criminal Minds, and CSI: New York. As frustrating as my time off has been it was nice for some actual R&R. I don't get many opportunities to have the place to myself... at least not for long so I am thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet.

I'm thinking Azrael is going to have a hard time when I do back to work. Whenever I go back after vacation he gets tempermental and stops visiting me. Since cats have a really short memory that doesn't last long. But he is definitely used to me being home. He stays in bed with me until I get up and then alternates between the couch and my monitor.

I'd forgotten how therapeutic a cat can be. When I still lived in London (which seems like a lifetime ago now) my roommate, Mel, said that Tigger was my therapist. Whenever I was stressed I curled up with him. Or I let him eat my fudgesicle... whichever. He was my baby. It was really hard for me when I had to put him down. It was one of the few times people saw me cry. Azrael, at least when he was a kitten, was the opposite. He was pretty psychotic and would attack. Lately he has really changed and has become quite the big suck. He still has his independant streak which is good but sometimes it is nice to have him curled up on my lap.

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