Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder

One of these days though I should really go to bed before 4:00 a.m. Not because I actually have to be up in the morning but eventually I will. The fact my circadian rhythms are out of whack probably don't help with the fatigue either. It's what's known as delayed phase sleep disorder (DPSD). Basically I go to bed later then most people and then wake up later. We all knew I'm not a morning person. *lol* Just give me caffeine and I am good to go. Working days always takes a toll on me. Obviously that is not a concern at the moment. Developed DPSD when I was a teenager. Maybe it was about teenage rebellion. My parents hated me sleeping in. Or maybe it was the fact late at night was the one time there was peace and quiet at home... no fighting. I've definitely learned it is hard to change circadian rhyhtms. Had difficulty making it to class in the morning. For two years I was able to work nights and never did adjust to working days.

There are a few treatments out there for DPSD. One of them is benzodiazapines but their effectiveness is unknown. My guess is that it works because it knocks you out so it doesn't change your sleep pattern... just keeps you asleep so you can function during the day. Just a guess though.

Next up is melatonin. It is a hormone that is used to advance sleep phase. It's effectiveness is up for debate. The other problem with melatonin is that it is not available in Canada and has not been approved. You can, however, order it from the states and it is legal. My psych professor back in university actually got me some at one point as a test.

There's also chronotherapy. Basically you go to bed three hours later and wake up three hours later each night until you change your sleep patterns. Takes about a week and is pretty effective. I haven't tried this treatment yet. I'm not sure my roommate would let me sleep during the day. I suppose if I combine it with the Benzos then it might work. Might be something to try before I do return to work.

The other course of treatment is light therapy. Early morning exposure to bright lights alters your sleep patterns so that you go to sleep earlier. Basically it mimics the sunlight. Light therapy is also used to treat seasonal affective disorder. Unfortunately, the light boxes are pretty expensive and are not covered by insurance. Fortunately, for me, my roommate has access to a small one. I'm not sure how crazy I am about waking up at 8:00 a.m. and staring at a bright light for an hour. It would be one thing if I had something to do in the morning but I find if I have nothing to do and am bored then I get tired and go back to bed.

It's now 1:00 a.m. and aside from the usual fatigue I am not really tired. Hmm... wonder what I can do to make myself tired. Well, I still have some textbooks from university. I'm pretty sure they can cure insomnia, especially the ones for my stats class. I have way too much energy right now. I actually wish I had the space for a treadmill in my apartment. Been a long time since I had that thought since with the Fibro I don't usually have any energy. So I guess this is a good sign. The only bad part is that its 1:00 in the morning. But energy is still a good thing, gives me hope for the future.

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